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Fish-based Composition

Twitter: @possiblywrong


GitHub: possiblywrong

Bitbucket: dconlon

Recap on composition

squggle ∘ bizzle === x => squggle( bizzle(x) )

∘ : (B => C) => (A => B) => (A => C)
Why composition?

val x = "someval"
for {
   a <- someeffect(x)
   b <- anothereffect(a)
   c <- yetanothereffect(b)
} yield c
val effects = yetanothereffect ∘ anothereffect ∘ someeffect


Coupling != Composition

Think quick-release gears
val x = "someval"
for {
   a <- someeffect(x)
   b <- anothereffect(a)
   c <- yetanothereffect(b)
} yield c
   someeffect(x).flatMap( anothereffect ).flatMap( yetanothereffect )

NB: flatMap takes an M[A] and a function A => M[B], and returns an M[B]

   someeffect(x) >>= ( anothereffect ) >>= ( yetanothereffect )
   val e = x => someeffect(x) >>= ( anothereffect ) >>= ( yetanothereffect )
   e === Kleisli(someeffect) >==> anothereffect >==> yetanothereffect

NB: >==> != >=>, but lifts the RHS into kleisli

   foo <=< bar === x => bar(x) >>= foo

A => M[B]

What about composing, M[A] => B ?

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